DEF = 8, number.of.characters = 1 <<, = number.of.characters, character.mask = NOT ((NOT 0) << : DEF root = 0, size.of.tree = (2 * - 1 : VAR eldest[size.of.tree], parent[size.of.tree], character[size.of.tree], representative[number.of.characters] : PROC VAR new.node, VALUE, VAR left.limit, VALUE right.limit ) = VAR weight.limit : SEQ IF IF node = [left.limit FOR right.limit - left.limit] weight[node] <= weight.limit := node TRUE weight.limit := right.limit SEQ node = [left.limit FOR weight.limit - left.limit] SEQ character[node - 1] := character[node] eldest[node - 1] := eldest[node] weight[node - 1] := weight[node] left.limit := left.limit - 1 new.node := weight.limit - 1 weight[new.node] := : \goodbreak PROC construct.tree(VALUE probability[]) = VAR left.limit, right.limit, weight[size.of.tree] : PROC construct.leaves = -- build the leaves of the tree DEF minimum.character = - (number.of.characters / 2) : SEQ ch = [minimum.character FOR number.of.characters] VAR new.node : SEQ, probability[ch /\\ character.mask], left.limit, right.limit) eldest[new.node] := root character[new.node] := ch : PROC construct.other.nodes = -- join pairs of subtrees until only one tree remains WHILE (right.limit - left.limit) <> 1 VAR new.node : SEQ right.limit := right.limit - 2, weight[right.limit] + weight[right.limit+1], left.limit, right.limit) eldest[new.node] := right : PROC invert.representation = -- set parent[] and representative[] SEQ node = [root FOR size.of.tree] IF eldest[node] = root representative[character[node] /\\ character.mask] := node eldest[node] <> root SEQ child = [eldest[node] FOR 2] parent[child] := node : SEQ left.limit := size.of.tree + 1 right.limit := size.of.tree + 1 -- here left.limit = (size.of.tree + 1) -- and (right.limit - left.limit) = 0 construct.leaves -- here left.limit = number.of.code -- and (right.limit - left.limit) = construct.other.nodes -- here left.limit = root -- and (right.limit - left.limit) = 1 invert.representation : \goodbreak PROC encode.character(CHAN output, VALUE ch) = -- Transmit the encoding of ch along output DEF size.of.encoding = - 1 : VAR encoding[size.of.encoding], length, node : SEQ length := 0 node := representative[ch /\\ character.mask] WHILE node <> root SEQ encoding[length] := node - eldest[parent[node]] length := length + 1 node := parent[node] SEQ i = [1 FOR length] output ! encoding[length - i] : PROC decode.character(CHAN input, VAR ch) = VAR node : SEQ node := root WHILE eldest[node] <> root VAR bit : SEQ input ? bit node := eldest[node] + bit ch := character[node] : DEF probability = TABLE[ \dots ] : -- indexed by [0 FOR number.of.characters] DEF end.of.message = -1 : \goodbreak PROC copy.encoding(CHAN source, end.of.source, sink) = -- Read characters from source, sending their encodings along -- sink, until a signal is received along end.of.source. VAR more.characters.expected : SEQ construct.tree(probability) more.characters.expected := TRUE WHILE more.characters.expected VAR ch : ALT source ? ch encode.character(sink, ch) end.of.source ? ANY more.characters.expected := FALSE encode.character(sink, end.of.message) : PROC copy.decoding(CHAN source, sink) = -- Read a bit stream from source, decoding it into characters -- and send these along sink until end.of.message is decoded VAR more.characters.expected : SEQ construct.tree(probability) more.characters.expected := TRUE WHILE more.characters.expected VAR ch : SEQ decode.character(source, ch) IF ch <> end.of.message sink ! ch ch = end.of.message more.characters.expected := FALSE :