

MIKE’s Technical Note 2

Michael Brüstle

May 2008


Transputer major differences
Transputer pin differences
Transputer instruction set differences
Transputer package options


This technical note lists the differences of the various transputer versions. It covers only the first-generation transputers known collectively as the Txxx series.

There are three main types of first generation transputers; the 32 bit transputers with a floating point unit (known as the T8 or T8xx), the 32 bit transputers without a floating point unit (known as the T4 or T4xx) and the 16 bit transputers (known as the T2 or T2xx).

The T212 is a 16-bit processor with 2K of on-chip RAM and a 64K address range (using separate address and data buses).

The M212 is a T212 with a ST506/ST412, SA400/450 compatible interface and 4K of on-chip ROM.

The T222 is an updated T212 with 4K of on-chip RAM and links with overlapped acknowledge.

The T225 is an updated T222 with additional instructions for program debugging and double buffered links. The T225 also has some additional instructions found on T800 series transputers.

The T414 is a 32-bit processor with 2K of on-chip RAM and a 4G address range (using multiplexed address and data lines).

The T425 is an updated version of the T414 with additional instructions for program debugging. The T425 also has the (two-dimensional) block move instructions and some other instructions found on T800 series transputers.

The T426 is a T425 with a new external memory interface which has built in support for parity checking of memory.

The T400 is a cut-down, low-cost version of the T425 with only 2 links and only 2K of on-chip RAM.

The T800 is a superset of the T414 in that it is a 32-bit processor with a floating point coprocessor on-chip, additional instructions, and 4K of on-chip RAM.

The T801 is an updated T800 with separate address and data buses, thus speeding up memory accesses and additional instructions for program debugging.

The T805 is an updated T800 with additional instructions for program debugging.

There are several variations of each of these but all first-generation transputers have the same architecture, essential similar instruction sets and fully compatible communication links.


Word length (bits) 16 16 16 16 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
Floating point hardware - - - - - - - -
On-chip memory (bytes) 2k 2k 4k 4k 2k 2k 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k
Number of links 4 2 4 4 4 2 4 4 4 4 4
Overlapped acknowledge - - -
Double-buffered link output - - - -
Programmable DRAM controller - - - - -
Memory Parity - - - - - - - - - -
External data bus width 16 8 16 16 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
Minimum external cycles 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 3
Disk interface - - - - - - - - - -
In production 1992 - - - - -

Table 1: Transputer major differences


Number of pins (PGA) 68 68 68 68 84 84 84 100 84 100 84
Separate address and data - - - - - - -
Multiplexed address and data - -/ - - -
Parity pins - - - - - - - - - -
Disk interface - - - - - - - - - -
ErrorIn - - - - - -
RefreshPending - - - - - - -
EventWaiting - - - - - -
ProcSpeedSelect - - - -
DisableIntRam - - - -
MemBAcc - - - - - - - -

Table 2: Transputer pin differences


Floating point unit (52) - - - - - - - -
fptesterror (1) - - - - -
Floating point support (5) - - - - - - -
fmul (1) - - - -
2D block moves (4) - - - - -
CRC operations (2) - - - -
Bit operations (3) - - - -
Break-point debugging (8) - - - - -
Fast negative prod - - - -
dup (1) - - - -
pop (1) - - - - -
wsubdb (1) - - - - -
lddevid (1) - - - - -
Device identity numbers - - - 40-49 - 50-5900-0930-39 - 20-2910-19
ldmemstartval (1) - - - - -
Memstart (byteoffset) 24 24 24 24 48 70 70 70 70 70 70

Table 3: Transputer instruction set differences


PGA - 15MHz (G17) 68 68 - - 84 - - - - - -
PGA - 17MHz (G17) 68 - 68 - - - 84 - 84 - -
PGA - 20MHz (G20) 68 68 68 68 84 84 84 - 84 100 84
PGA - 25MHz (G25) - - - 68 - 84 84 - 84 100 84
PGA - 30MHz (G30) - - - - - - 84 - - - 84
PLCC - 15MHz (J15) - 68 68 - 84 - - - - - -
PLCC - 17MHz (J17) - - 68 - - - 84 - - - -
PLCC - 20MHz (J20) - 68 68 68 - 84 84 - - - 84
PLCC - 25MHz (J25) - - - 68 - 84 84 - - - 84
PLCC - 30MHz (J30) - - - - - - - - - - 84
CQFP - 20MHz (F20) - - - 100 - 100 100 100 - - 100
CQFP - 25MHz (F25) - - - 100 - - 100 100 - - 100
CQFP - 30MHz (F30) - - - - - - - - - - 100
PQFP - 20MHz (X20) - - - - - 100 - - - - -
PQFP - 25MHz (X25) - - - - - - 100 - - - -

Table 4: Transputer package options


[1]   Transputer Hardware and System Design
Jeremy Hinton & Alan Pinder (1993)
ISBN-10 0-13-953001-0

[2]   Transputer Assembler Language Programming
John Roberts (1992)
ISBN-10 0-442-00872-4

[3]   Transputer Databook - Third Edition
INMOS Limited (1992)

[4]   Transputer Databook - Second Edition
INMOS Limited (1989)

[5]   Transputer Databook - First Edition
INMOS Limited (1989)

[6]   The Transputer Handbook
Ian Graham & Tim King (1990)
ISBN-10 0-13-929134-2