Transputer Development and iq Systems Databook
First Edition 1989
INMOS document number: 72-TRN-219-00
391 Pages
© INMOS Limited 1989. INMOS reserves the right to make changes in specifications at any time and without notice. The information furnished by INMOS in this publication is believed to be accurate; however, no responsibility is assumed for its use, nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties resulting from its use. No license is granted under any patents, trademarks or other rights of INMOS.

Development tools and system products are important and developing areas of application for INMOS devices. The Development and Systems Databook has been published to provide detailed information on the INMOS product range.
The databook comprises an overview, engineering data and applications information for the current range of development tools and systems products.
INMOS provide a wide range of development tools including compilers, toolsets and development kits. A diverse range of software is also available. INMOS systems products provide powerful development platforms for system designers interested in high density, high performance, design simplicity and cost effectiveness.
In addition to development tools and systems products, the INMOS product range also includes transputer products, graphics devices, Digital Signal Processing (DSP) devices and fast SRAMS. For further information concerning INMOS products please contact your local sales outlet.
Preface 1 Systems products overview 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Innovation and Quality 1.3 TRAMS (TRAnsputer Modules) 1.3.1 Standard Interface 1.3.2 Upgradeability 1.3.3 Flexibility 1.3.4 Evaluation 1.4 Quality and Reliability
2 TRAnsputer Modules (TRAMs) 2.1 IMS B416 TRAM engineering data 2.1.1 Introduction 2.1.2 Pin descriptions 2.1.3 Standard TRAM signals notError (pin 11) LinkSpeedA and LinkSpeedB (pins 6 and 7) Link signals 2.1.4 Memory configuration 2.1.5 Mechanical details 2.1.6 Installation 2.1.7 Specification 2.1.8 Ordering Information 2.2 IMS B401 TRAM engineering data 2.2.1 Introduction 2.2.2 Pin descriptions 2.2.3 Standard TRAM signals notError (pin 11) LinkSpeedA and LinkSpeedB (pins 6 and 7) Link signals 2.2.4 Memory configuration Location of external memory 2.2.5 Mechanical details 2.2.6 Installation 2.2.7 Specification 2.2.8 Ordering Information 2.3 IMS B411 TRAM engineering data 2.3.1 Description 2.3.2 Pin descriptions 2.3.3 Standard TRAM signals notError (pin 11) LinkSpeedA and LinkSpeedB (pins 6 and 7) Link signals 2.3.4 Memory configuration 2.3.5 Mechanical details 2.3.6 Installation 2.3.7 Specification 2.3.8 Ordering Information 2.4 IMS B404 TRAM engineering data 2.4.1 Introduction 2.4.2 Pin descriptions 2.4.3 Standard TRAM signals notError (pin 11) LinkSpeedA and LinkSpeedB (pins 6 and 7) Link signals 2.4.4 Subsystem signals 2.4.5 Memory configuration Location of external memory Subsystem register locations 2.4.6 Mechanical details 2.4.7 Installation 2.4.8 Specification 2.4.9 Ordering Information 2.5 IMS B417 TRAM engineering data 2.5.1 Introduction 2.5.2 Pin descriptions 2.5.3 Standard TRAM signals notError (pin 11) LinkSpeedA and LinkSpeedB (pins 6 and 7) Link signals 2.5.4 Subsystem signals 2.5.5 Memory configuration Location of external memory Subsystem register locations 2.5.6 Mechanical details 2.5.7 Installation 2.5.8 Specification 2.5.9 Ordering Information 2.6 IMS B405 TRAM engineering data 2.6.1 Introduction 2.6.2 Pin descriptions 2.6.3 Standard TRAM signals notError (pin 11) LinkSpeedA and LinkSpeedB (pins 6 and 7) Link signals 2.6.4 Subsystem signals 2.6.5 Memory configuration Location of external memory Subsystem register locations Memory parity 2.6.6 Installation 2.6.7 Mechanical details 2.6.8 Specification 2.6.9 Ordering Information 2.7 IMS B410 TRAM engineering data 2.7.1 Description 2.7.2 Pin descriptions 2.7.3 Standard TRAM signals notError (pin 11) LinkSpeedA and LinkSpeedB (pins 6 and 7) Link signals 2.7.4 Memory configuration 2.7.5 Mechanical details 2.7.6 Installation 2.7.7 Specification 2.7.8 Ordering Information 2.8 IMS B415 TRAM product overview 2.9 IMS B418 flash-ROM TRAM product overview 2.9.1 Specification 2.9.2 Ordering Information 2.10 IMS B407 TRAM engineering data 2.10.1 Transputer Modules (TRAMs) 2.10.2 Pin descriptions 2.10.3 Ethernet Capabilities Connecting to Ethernet (10BASE5) Connecting to Cheapernet (10BASE2) 2.10.4 Memory Map 2.10.5 Using the IMS B407 2.10.6 Mechanical details 2.10.7 Installation 2.10.8 Specification 2.10.9 Ordering Information 2.11 IMS B421 GPIB TRAM product overview 2.12 IMS B422 SCSI TRAM product overview 2.13 IMS B408 TRAM engineering data 2.13.1 Introduction 2.13.2 Pin descriptions 2.13.3 Pixel Port signals Electrical Specification 2.13.4 Memory Map 2.13.5 Pixel Port control registers 2.13.6 Mechanical details 2.13.7 Installation 2.13.8 Specification 2.13.9 Ordering Information 2.14 IMS B409 TRAM engineering data 2.14.1 Introduction 2.14.2 Pin descriptions 2.14.3 Pixel Bus connectors 2.14.4 The Pixel channels 8 bits/pixel mode 18 bits/pixel mode The colour look-up tables Video Outputs 2.14.5 Memory Map Pixel Channel Mode select The video timing generator The Colour look-up tables 2.14.6 Mechanical details 2.14.7 Installation 2.14.8 Specification 2.14.9 Ordering Information 2.15 IMS B419 TRAM engineering data 2.15.1 Introduction 2.15.2 Screen sizes 2.15.3 Pin descriptions 2.15.4 Memory Map SubSystem registers 2.15.5 IMS G300 clock selection 2.15.6 Jumper selection 2.15.7 Video and sync outputs 2.15.8 Mechanical details 2.15.9 Installation 2.15.10 Specification 2.15.11 Ordering Information 2.16 IMS B420 VECTRAM product overview 2.16.1 Specification 2.16.2 Ordering Information 3 Standard interface boards 3.1 IMS B008 IBM PC Module Motherboard product overview 3.1.1 Product Overview 3.1.2 TRAM Slots 3.1.3 System Services 3.1.4 Link Configuration 3.1.5 IBM PC Bus interface Interrupts DMA 3.1.6 Link Speeds 3.1.7 Technical Summary 3.1.8 Ordering Information 3.2 IMS B011 Tranputer VMEbus Master Card product overview 3.2.1 Processor 3.2.2 Booting 3.2.3 Interrupts 3.2.4 Memory 3.2.5 VMEbus Interface 3.2.6 R5232 ports 3.2.7 TRAM slots 3.2.8 Ordering Information 3.3 IMS B014 VMEbus Module Motherboard product overview 3.3.1 VMEbus Interface 3.3.2 Interrupts 3.3.3 IMS C004 Control 3.3.4 System Services Organisation 3.3.5 Technical Summary 3.3.6 Ordering Information 3.4 IMS B016 VMEbus master/slave Motherboard product overview 3.4.1 General description 3.4.2 Ordering Information 3.5 IMS B015 Module Motherboard product overview 3.5.1 Link connections 3.5.2 Link speed selection 3.5.3 System Services 3.5.4 Up, Down, and Subsystem 3.5.5 PC interface 3.5.6 IO Address 3.5.7 Reset, Analyse and Error registers 3.5.8 Interface link Interrupts 3.5.9 External power supplies 3.5.10 External Connections 3.5.11 Specification 3.5.12 Ordering Information 3.6 IMS B012 Double Eurocard Motherboard engineering data 3.6.1 Introduction 3.6.2 Hardware Description Link Connections P1 Links Switch Configuration Transputer Reset, Analyse and Error Link Termination Error Lights User Power Connector Uncommitted Pins 3.6.3 Ordering Information 4 Evaluation boards 4.1 IMS B005 Double Extended Eurocard product overview 4.1.1 Ordering Information 4.2 IMS B009 DSP System Evaluation Board product overview 4.2.1 The IMS B009 Evaluation Board 4.2.2 Board Description 4.2.3 Programming 4.2.4 Product summary 4.2.5 Technical summary 4.2.6 Ordering details
Development systems
5 Software development tools 5.1 occam 2 toolset product overview 5.1.1 Product overview occam 2 development system Support for mixed language developments System building and program consistency Source level debugging tools Support for teams of developers 5.1.2 occam 2 toolset product description Documentation Software tools Software libraries Programming examples 5.1.3 D700D transputer development system support 5.1.4 occam 2 toolset product components summary Documentation Software tools Software libraries 5.1.5 D705 IBM PC version Operating requirements Distribution media 5.1.6 D605 VAX VMS version Operating requirements Distribution media 5.1.7 D505 SUN 3 version Operating requirements Distribution media 5.1.8 Associated products 5.1.9 Licensing information 5.1.10 Error reporting and field support 5.2 Parallel C compiler product overview 5.2.1 Product overview Support for parallelism Using C with the occam 2 toolset 5.2.2 3L Parallel C description Documentation Software tools Software libraries 5.2.3 3L C components summary Documentation Software tools Software libraries 5.2.4 D711 IBM PC version Operating requirements Distribution media 5.2.5 D611 VAX VMS version Operating requirements Distribution media 5.2.6 D511 SUN 3 version Operating requirements Distribution media 5.2.7 Associated products 5.2.8 Licensing information 5.2.9 Error reporting and field support 5.3 Parallel FORTRAN compiler product overview 5.3.1 Product overview Support for parallelism Using FORTRAN with the occam 2 toolset 5.3.2 3L Parallel FORTRAN description Documentation Software tools Software libraries 5.3.3 3L FORTRAN components summary Documentation Software tools Software libraries 5.3.4 D713 IBM PC version Operating requirements Distribution media 5.3.5 D613 VAX VMS version Operating requirements Distribution media 5.3.6 D513 SUN 3 version Operating requirements Distribution media 5.3.7 Associated products 5.3.8 Licensing information 5.3.9 Error reporting and field support 5.4 Pascal Compiler product overview 5.5 Ada Compilers product overview 5.5.1 Ada Compilers for the Transputer 5.5.2 Features 5.5.3 Recommended Configuration Recommended Configuration for PC mothered compiler Recommended Configuration for VAX hosted compiler 5.6 IMS D700 Transputer Development System 5.6.1 Product overview The user interface occam 2 compiler Loading programs into transputer networks Debugging 5.6.2 Product description Documentation Software components 5.6.3 Product components Documentation Integrated software components Software libraries 5.6.4 D705B occam 2 toolset support 5.6.5 Operating requirements 5.6.6 Distribution media 5.6.7 Licensing information 5.6.8 Error reporting and field support 6 Board support software 6.1 IMS S708 and IMS S514 product overview 6.1.1 Product overview Support for other hosts 6.1.2 Product components summary Documentation Software tools 6.1.3 IMS S708 Operating requirements Distribution media 6.1.4 IMS S514 Operating requirements Distribution media 6.2 Ethernet Support Software product overview 6.2.1 Product overview 6.2.2 Product description 6.2.3 Software components 6.2.4 Hardware requirements 6.2.5 Compatibility considerations 6.2.6 Performance 6.2.7 User Documentation 6.2.8 Distribution media 6.2.9 Related products 7 Transputer development kits 7.1 Transputer Introduction Kit 7.2 Transputer Performance Evaluation Kit 7.3 Custom Development Kits 7.4 IMS B211 INMOS Transputer Evaluation Module (ITEM) 7.4.1 Introduction 7.4.2 Applications 7.4.3 Rear Connector Panel 7.4.4 FCC Compliance 7.4.5 Ordering Information
8 Dual inline transputer modules (TRAMs) 8.1 Background 8.2 Introduction 8.3 Functional description 8.3.1 Pinout of size1 module 8.3.2 Pinout of larger sized modules 8.3.3 TRAMs with more than one transputer 8.3.4 Extra pins 8.3.5 Subsystem signals driven from a TRAM 8.3.6 Memory parity 8.3.7 Memory map 8.4 Electrical description 8.4.1 Link outputs 8.4.2 Link inputs 8.4.3 notError output 8.4.4 Reset and analyse inputs 8.4.5 Clock input 8.4.6 notError input to subsystem 8.4.7 GND, VCC 8.5 Mechanical description 8.5.1 Width and length 8.5.2 Vertical dimensions 8.5.3 Direction of cooling 8.6 TRAM pins and sockets 8.6.1 Stackable socket pin 8.6.2 Through-board sockets 8.6.3 Subsystem pins and sockets 8.6.4 Motherboard sockets 8.7 Mechanical retention of TRAMs 8.8 Profile drawings 9 Module motherboard architecture 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Module motherboard architecture 9.2.1 Design goals 9.2.2 Architecture 9.3 Link configuration 9.3.1 Pipeline 9.3.2 IMS C004 link configuration 9.3.3 T212 pipeline and 0004 control 9.3.4 Software link configuration 9.4 System control 9.4.1 Reset, analyse and error 9.4.2 Up, down and subsystem 9.4.3 Source of control 9.4.4 Clock 9.5 Interface to a separate host 9.5.1 Link interface 9.5.2 System control interface 9.5.3 Interrupts 9.6 Mechanical considerations 9.6.1 Dimensions Width and length Vertical dimensions 9.6.2 Motherboard sockets 9.6.3 Mechanical retention of TRAMs 9.6.4 Module orientation 9.7 Edge connectors 10 Some issues in scientific language application porting and farming using transputers 10.1 Introduction 10.1.1 Background 10.1.2 Document notes 10.2 Preliminary information 10.2.1 Transputers 10.2.2 Processes 10.2.3 The transputer I host development relationship 10.2.4 Why port to a transputer? 10.2.5 Different categories of application porting Transputer software development tools 10.3 Altering the application as little as possible 10.3.1 The scenario 10.3.2 Suitable applications Requirements Good candidates 10.3.3 Identifying the best transputer for your application 10.3.4 Some potential porting difficulties 10.3.5 An implementation overview 10.3.6 Porting example : SPICE About SPICE Performance 10.3.7 Porting example : TEX About TEX Performance 10.3.8 Further work 10.4 Parallelizing the application 10.4.1 Types of parallelism 10.4.2 Why parallelize ? 10.4.3 Definitions 10.4.4 The stages in modularizing 10.4.5 Modules Module properties Modules provided by the INMOS tools Instancing modules Module structure Module communication requirements Module communication protocol 10.4.6 Guidelines on dividing an application into modules 10.5 Implementing modules 10.5.1 The technique Overview Benefits 10.5.2 Example of module implementation 10.5.3 Implementation notes 10.5.4 Some coding examples 10.5.5 Software methods of increasing performance Good ideas Bad ideas 10.5.6 Further work 10.6 Using transputers with other processors 10.6.1 Suitable applications 10.6.2 Software support for mixed processor systems Accommodating architectural differences Using services provided by another processor 10.6.3 Hardware support for mixed processor systems 10.6.4 Communication mechanisms Communication by explicit polling Communication by explicit DMA Communication by device drivers Increasing data exchange bandwidth by software means 10.6.5 Implementation strategy 10.6.6 Testing strategy 10.6.7 Further work 10.6.8 Mixed processor example 10.7 Farming an application 10.7.1 Suitable applications 10.7.2 General farm discussion The software components The farm protocol 10.7.3 Interfacing to the farm Interfacing to another transputer process Interfacing to a process on a non-transputer processor 10.7.4 Performance issues Linearity Priority Protocol Overheads Buffering Load balancing General farming principles 10.7.5 Farming part of an application Scenario Implementation 10.7.6 Farming an entire application Scenario Implementation Alternative implementation 10.7.7 Farming a heterogeneous processor application Scenario Implementation Alternative implementation 10.7.8 Part port farm example : Second Sight About Second Sight Performance 10.7.9 Further work Flood-filling a transputer network Extraordinary use of transputer links Overcoming i/o bottlenecks Comparison between farms and application pipelining Farms of farms Dynamic link switching 10.8 Planning the structure of a new application 10.9 Summary and Conclusions 10.10 References 11 Using the D705B occam toolset with non-occam applications 11.1 Introduction 11.1.1 Article notes 11.2 Background information 11.2.1 Transputers 11.2.2 The transputer / host development relationship 11.2.3 Connecting transputers together 11.2.4 The other occam toolsets 11.3 The INMOS scientific-language compilers 11.3.1 The compilers Features 11.3.2 Using the scientific-language compilers in the simplest case Building a simple C program Building a simple Pascal program Building a simple FORTRAN program 11.3.3 Loading the tools 11.3.4 Re-running the tools without reloading them 11.3.5 Running transputer bootable files as MS-DOS commands 11.3.6 The run-time libraries 11.3.7 Transputer memory allocation The occam memory allocation map The scientific-language memory allocation map 11.3.8 Implementation details The run-time stack The run-time heap Selecting the run-time stack Placement of the code The static data area The scientific-language process communications interface 11.3.9 Scientific-language channel i/o support C support Pascal support FORTRAN support Parallel C support Parallel FORTRAN support 11.3.10 Additional support from Parallel C and Parallel FORTRAN 11.3.11 Transputer assembler inserts Usage of assembler Local workspace allocation Review of how the transputer implements procedure calls The C assembler restrictions and capabilities 11.3.12 Mixing occam and non-occam compilation units within the same process Parameter type compatabilities Hidden parameters Array parameters Vectorspace occam parameter supersets Calling an occam FUNCTION 11.4 The INMOS D705B occam-2 toolset 11.4.1 Software development using the D705B 11.4.2 File naming convention 11.4.3 Processor types 11.4.4 Error modes 11.4.5 The makefile generator 11.4.6 The occam compiler 11.4.7 The syntax checker 11.4.8 The librarian 11.4.9 The linker 11.4.10 Binary listen 11.4.11 The bootstrap tool 11.4.12 The configures 11.4.13 The debugger 11.4.14 The simulator 11.4.15 Supplementary tools 11.5 Handling non-occam processes 11.5.1 Equivalent occam process technology The Type 1 interface The Type 2 interface The Type 3 interface 11.5.2 D705B Processor classes 11.5.3 EOP Startup and shutdown overheads 11.5.4 Practical considerations for writing harnesses Memory allocation by the standard scientific-language harness Writing harnesses to allocate scientific-language workspace memory Placing all EOP stacks below the code Establishing EOP workspace requirements Terminating the host file server Re-running the application without reloading Process priorities 11.6 D705B debugging guidelines 11.6.1 Problems with conventional debugging techniques 11.6.2 Error mode considerations 11.6.3 Run-time debugging aids. 11.6.4 Debugging processes that are not connected to the host serves Overview of technique Implementation detail What to do if you don't have a debugger 11.7 Using the D705B occam-2 toolset 11.7.1 About makefiles 11.7.2 Two communicating EOPs on one transputer Operations overview The root EOP The remote EOP The occam bits Running the program Rebuilding Re-implementation of the EOPs 11.7.3 Two communicating EOPs on two transputers 11.7.4 Using the debugger with the twin EOP twin transputer system 11.7.5 Placing the EOPs in a library 11.7.6 Sharing code amongst EOPs in a system The EOPs The shared occam code Linker symbol optimization Calculating where specific modules are placed Using on-chip RAM effectively 11.7.7 Hints and tips Library usage guidelines General usage guidelines 11.8 Some useful checklists 11.8.1 Setting things up for the D705B 11.8.2 What to do if a multiple EOP system won't run (on one transputer) 11.8.3 What to do if a multiple EOP system won't run (on many transputers) 11.8.4 A summary of performance maximization techniques 11.9 Summary and Conclusions 11.10 References
Quality and Reliability
A Quality and Reliability
Cables for Board Products
B Cables for board products