T9000 Transputer Hardware Reference Manual
First Edition 1993
INMOS document number: 72-TRN-238-01
356 Pages
© INMOS Limited 1993. INMOS reserves the right to make changes in specifications at any time and without notice. The information furnished by INMOS in this publication is believed to be accurate; however, no responsibility is assumed for its use, nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties resulting from its use. No license is granted under any patents, trademarks or other rights of INMOS.

The T9000 Transputer Hardware Reference Manual provides information on the latest member of the transputer range of microprocessors, the IMS T9000. Transputers are designed to provide extremely high performance in single processor applications and are also designed with hardware and software features for the construction of multiprocessing systems.
Other transputer products include the IMS T225, a 16 bit microprocessor, the 32 bit IMS T4xx series and the IMS T8xx series, which are 32 bit microprocessors with an on-chip 64 bit floating point processor. Details of these and their support devices can be found in The Transputer Databook, which is available as a separate publication. Other transputer related documents, including various application and technical notes, are also available from INMOS.
This manual consists of three parts. Part 1, an overview section, introduces the transputer architecture and then the features and benefits of the IMS T9000 family. Part 2, the IMS T9000 transputer preliminary datasheet, contains more detailed information on the IMS T9000 transputer. Part 3 contains information on the communications support devices and includes the IMS C100 system protocol converter preliminary datasheet, IMS C104 packet routing switch product preview and the IMS C101 parallel DS-link adaptor product preview.
More detailed information on the IMS T9000 family communications devices is in preparation, and will be issued as a separate document, titled the Transputer Networks Manual. It will contain datasheets on the IMS 0104 packet routing switch, the IMS C100 system protocol converter and the IMS C101 parallel DS-Link adaptor.
For full details of the IMS T9000 instructions refer to the T9000 Transputer Instruction Set Manual.
Software and hardware examples given in this databook are outline design studies and are included to illustrate various ways in which transputers can be used. The examples are not intended to provide accurate application designs.
In addition to transputer products the INMOS product range also includes development systems and systems products. For further information regarding INMOS products please contact your local SGS-THOMSON sales outlet.
Preface Notation and nomenclature Significance Signal naming conventions Timing diagram conventions Font conventions References Transputer product numbers
Part 1: IMS T9000 Product Family Overview
1 Introducing the IMS T9000 1.1 Performance 1.2 Multiprocessing 1.3 Communications support devices 1.4 Software 1.5 Applications 2 The IMS T9000 transputer 2.1 Overview 2.1.1 Processor 2.1.2 Hierarchical memory system 2.1.3 Communications system 2.1.4 Multiple internal buses 2.1.5 Control system 2.1.6 Clocks 2.2 The transputer architecture 2.3 Support for concurrent processes 2.4 Pipelined, superscalar implementation 2.4.1 The pipeline 2.5 Hierarchical memory system 2.5.1 Main cache Cache operation Use as on-chip RAM 2.5.2 Workspace cache 3 Simplicity of system design 3.1 Single 5 MHz clock input 3.2 Programmable memory interface 3.3 Control links and configuration 3.4 Loading and bootstrapping 3.5 Examples 4 Protection and error handling 4.1 Error handling 4.2 Protected mode 4.2.1 Protected mode processes 4.2.2 Executing illegal instructions 4.2.3 Memory management 5 Support for multiprocessing Fast interrupt response and process switch 5.1 The transputer model of concurrency 5.1.1 Processes and channels 5.1.2 Program structure Example 5.1.3 Multiprocessor programs 5.2 Other models of concurrency 5.2.1 Shared memory 5.3 Hardware scheduler 5.4 Interrupts, events and timers 5.5 Shared resources 6 Communication links 6.1 Using links between transputers 6.2 Advantages of using links 6.2.1 Efficiency 6.2.2 Simplicity 6.2.3 Hardware independence 6.3 IMS T9000 links 6.3.1 Virtual channels Virtual links Sending packets Receiving packets The virtual channel processor Implementation 6.3.2 Levels of link protocol Packet level protocol Token level protocol Bit level protocol 7 Network communications 7.1 Message routing Advantages for the programmer Routers Separating routers and processors Parallel networks 7.2 The IMS C104 Wormhole routing Minimizing routing delays Control links 7.2.1 Using IMS T9000s with IMS C104s Header deletion Routing control channels 7.3 Routing algorithms 7.3.1 Labeling networks 7.3.2 Avoiding deadlock 8 Other communications devices 8.1 Mixing transputer types: the IMS C100 8.2 Interfacing to peripherals and host systems 9 Software and systems 9.1 Development software 9.1.1 Configuration tools Hardware description Software description Mapping software to hardware Configuration languages Types of networks 9.1.2 Initializing and loading a network Levels of initialization Booting a system from link Booting a system from ROM 9.1.3 Host servers 9.1.4 Debugging 9.2 IMS T9000 systems products
Part 2: IMS T9000 transputer preliminary data
1 IMS T9000 introduction 2 Pin designations Supplies Phase locked loops Programmable memory interface Control system Communication links Events Miscellaneous 3 Central processing unit 3.1 Registers 3.2 Workspace cache Cache operation 3.3 Processes and concurrency 3.4 Priority 3.5 L-processes: local error handling and debugging 3.6 Timers 3.7 Block move 3.8 Semaphores 3.9 Pipeline 3.9.1 Grouping of instructions 3.10 CPU configuration registers Reason EmiBadAddress Initiallptr and InitialWptr 4 Floating point unit 4.1 Floating point registers 4.1.1 Floating-point stack 4.1.2 Floating-point status register 4.2 Floating point instructions 5 Memory management 5.1 Protection, stack extension, and logical to physical address translation 5.1.1 Protection 5.1.2 Stack extension 5.1.3 Logical to physical address translation 5.2 Regions 5.2.1 Region descriptors 5.2.2 Non-overlapping regions 5.3 P-process machine registers 5.4 Debugging 6 Instruction set 6.1 Efficiency of encoding 6.2 Interaction of the processor pipeline and the instruction set 6.3 Instruction characteristics 6.4 Instruction set tables 6.4.1 Primary instructions 6.4.2 Secondary instructions Sequential instructions Communication instructions Process scheduling instructions Initialization and configuration instructions Cache operation instructions Floating point instructions 7 Performance 7.1 Integer operations 7.2 Floating point operations 7.3 Predefines 8 Control system 8.1 Overview 8.1.1 Tiers of handshaking 8.1.2 Autonomous operation 8.2 Control system interconnections 8.3 Control system functional description 8.3.1 Control links 8.3.2 Packet handler 8.3.3 Control unit Command handler Autonomous control 8.3.4 System services DevicelD DeviceRevision ModeStatus ErrorCode DSLinkPLL SysServWriteLock 8.4 Control commands Start Reset Identify Stop RecoverError CPeek CPoke Peek Poke Boot BootData Run Reboot Error message 8.4.1 IMS T9000 gross state and validity of commands 8.5 Errors 8.5.1 Recording of Errors 8.5.2 Stand alone mode errors 8.5.3 Errors on control links 8.5.4 Post-mortem debugging of IMS T9000 systems State delivered to the boot program 8.6 Configuration 8.6.1 Booting from link 8.6.2 Boot from ROM then link 8.7 Reset levels 8.7.1 Level 0 - hardware reset 8.7.2 Level 1 - labelled control network 8.7.3 Level 2 - configured network 8.7.4 Level 3 - booted network 8.7.5 Loading code 8.7.6 Levels of reset effect 9 Instruction and data cache 9.1 Cache overview 9.1.1 Cache organization 9.2 Cache functional description 9.2.1 Port crossbar switch and arbiter 9.2.2 Refill engine 9.2.3 Replace pointer 9.3 Cache operation 9.3.1 Cache request 9.3.2 Arbitration Queueing to ensure fairness 9.3.3 Cacheable and non-cacheable accesses Non-cacheable accesses Cacheable accesses 9.3.4 Cache refill cycles Cache refills from 8/16 bit ports Write-back cycles DMA and cache-refill cycles 9.4 Cache instructions 9.4.1 Flushing data from the cache Flush dirty cache address (fdca) Flush dirty cache line (fdcl) 9.4.2 Invalidate cache block Invalidate cache address (ica) Invalidate cache line (icl) 9.4.3 Cache instruction performance 9.5 Cache configuration registers 9.5.1 RamSize and DoRamSize registers 9.5.2 RamLineNumber, RamAddress and DoAllocate registers 9.6 Initialization of the cache 9.6.1 Reset state 9.6.2 Starting the cache 10 Programmable memory interface 10.1 Pin functions 10.1.1 MemData0-63 10.1.2 MemAddr2-31 10.1.3 notMemWrB0-3 10.1.4 notMemRAS0-3 10.1.5 notMemCAS0-3 10.1.6 notMemPS0-3 10.1.7 MemWait 10.1.8 MemReqIn, MemGranted 10.1.9 MemReqOut 10.1.10 notMemBootCE 10.1.11 notMemRf 10.1.12 notMemStrobe 10.2 External bus cycles 10.2.1 External DRAM cycles 10.2.2 External non-DRAM cycles 10.2.3 Bank switching 10.2.4 Cache refill cycles Cache refills from 8/16 bit ports Write-back cycles Wait states and cache-refill cycles 10.2.5 External DMA 10.3 PMI configuration registers 10.3.1 Bank address registers Address registers Mask registers RAS bits registers Format control registers DoPMIConfigured register Error address register 10.3.2 Strobe timing registers Strobe registers Timing control registers Refresh control register Remap boot bank register 10.3.3 PMI write lock register 10.4 PMI errors 10.4.1 Errors detected by the PMI PMI errors signalled by the CPU PMI errors signalled by the PMI 10.5 Initialization of the PMI 10.5.1 Bootspace allocation 10.5.2 The boot sequence 10.5.3 Bootspace timing 10.6 Booting from ROM 10.6.1 Booting from EPROM 10.6.2 Booting from Flash EPROM 10.6.3 Re-mapping the boot bank 10.7 PMI AC timing characteristics Read cycle Write cycle Consecutive cycles Memory wait 11 Communications 11.1 Overview 11.1.1 Channels Internal channels External channels 11.1.2 Channel addresses 11.1.3 Communication instructions 11.1.4 Efficient variable-length communications 11.2 Virtual channel processor 11.2.1 VCP protocol 11.2.2 Virtual links 11.2.3 VCP link queues 11.2.4 Virtual link control blocks vl.HeaderCtrl word vl.DataQueueLink and vl.AckQueueLink words 11.3 Operation of the VCP 11.3.1 Channel states Resetting channels Stopping channels 11.4 Resources 11.5 Byte-stream mode 11.6 Memory and channel address spaces 11.6.1 Channel address space 11.6.2 Memory allocation for virtual links Memory start value register Minimum invalid virtual channel register External resource channel base register 11.7 VCP configuration registers 11.7.1 VCP command register 11.7.2 VCP status register 11.7.3 Header area base register 11.7.4 Header offset registers 11.7.5 Packet header limit registers 11.7.6 VCP link mode registers 11.7.7 ChanWriteLock 11.8 Initialization of the VCP 11.8.1 VCP state on start up 11.8.2 VCP state following reset 11.9 Errors Null buffer pointers 12 Events Input event channel Output event channel Use of event channels with interrupts 12.1 Event channel addresses 12.2 Event channel state 13 Data/Strobe links 13.1 Link format and protocol 13.2 Link functional description 13.3 Low-level flow control 13.4 Link speed select 13.5 Errors on DS-Links 13.5.1 Reliable links Handling of errors on reliable links 13.5.2 Unreliable links 13.6 Link configuration registers 13.7 Initialization 13.7.1 Link state on start up 13.7.2 Link state following reset 13.8 Link connections 13.9 DS-Link timings 14 Clocking phase locked loops 14.1 Clock input 14.2 PLL decoupling 14.3 Processor speed selection 14.4 Processor clock output 14.5 ClockIn timings 14.6 ProcClockOut timings 15 Configuration register reference guide 15.1 Configuration bus 15.2 Subsystem addresses 15.2.1 Shared registers 15.3 CPU write locking 15.4 Subsystem registers 15.4.1 CPU configuration registers 15.4.2 PMI configuration registers PMI bank address configuration registers PMI strobe timing configuration registers 15.4.3 VCP configuration registers 15.4.4 System services configuration registers 15.4.5 Cache configuration registers 15.4.6 Scheduler configuration registers 15.4.7 Link configuration registers 15.4.8 Control link configuration registers 16 Package specifications 16.1 208 pin CLCC package pinout 16.2 208 pin CLCC package dimensions 16.3 208 pin CLCC package thermal characteristics 17 Thermal management 17.1 Forced air flow cooling 17.2 Heat sinks 17.3 Other thermal management techniques 18 Electrical specifications 18.1 Absolute maximum ratings 18.2 Operating conditions 18.3 Power rating
Part 3: Communications support devices
1 IMS C100 system protocol converter preliminary data 1.1 IMS C100 introduction 1.2 IMS C100 modes of operation 1.2.1 Mode pins 1.2.2 Mode 0: Enables a single T9-series transputer to be used in a T2/T4/T8-series network 1.2.3 Mode 1: Enables a T2/T4/T8-series system to use a T9-series subsystem 1.2.4 Mode 2: Enables a T9-series system to use an existing T2/T4/T8-series subsystem 1.2.5 Mode 3: Enables a T9-series system to use a T2/T4/T8-series subsystem 1.3 Link protocols 1.3.1 T2/T4/T8-series oversampled links 1.3.2 T9-series data/strobe links Byte-stream mode 1.4 Link protocol conversion 1.4.1 Byte-stream conversion - modes 0 and 2 Messages from the T9000 to the T2/T4/T8 Messages from the T2/T4/T8 to the T9000 1.4.2 Packetized conversion - modes 1 and 3 Messages from the T2/T4/T8 to the T9000 Messages from the T9000 to the T2/T4/T8 1.5 Control protocols 1.5.1 T2/T4/T8-type control 1.5.2 T9-type control Control link protocols 1.6 Control protocol conversion 1.6.1 RAE master control (mode 0) Control commands sent by the IMS C100 in RAE master control mode Handshake and Error messages received by the IMS C100 from the IMS T9000 Behavior of the control system in RAE master mode Errors 1.6.2 CLink0 master control (modes 1, 2 and 3) Control commands sent by the controlling processor (IMS T9000) to the IMS C100 Errors OS-Link 0 special function - modes 2 and 3 Commands which correspond to the protocol of an unbooted T2/T4/T8 transputer Resetting and Analyzing 1.7 Links 1.7.1 Data links Data link speed pins DS-Link speeds in mode 0 DS-Link speeds in modes 1, 2 and 3 Errors on DS-Links Link connections 1.7.2 Control links Control link speeds 1.7.3 Starting and resetting links 1.8 Levels of reset 1.8.1 Level 0 - hardware reset 1.8.2 Level 1 - labelled control network 1.8.3 Level 2 - configured network 1.8.4 Level 3 1.8.5 Effects of different levels of reset 1.9 Configuration 1.9.1 Configuration space 1.9.2 Configuration register addresses 1.9.3 Configuration registers System services configuration registers Data DS-Link configuration registers All data links Control link configuration registers Write lock registers 1.10 Electrical specifications 1.10.1 Absolute maximum ratings 1.10.2 Operating conditions 1.11 Recommended decoupling 1.11.1 Power decoupling 1.11.2 Phase locked loop decoupling 1.12 Clocks 1.12.1 Clock input 1.13 Timing specifications 1.13.1 Reset and Analyse timings ResetOut and AnalyseOut timings TReset and AnalyseIn timings 1.13.2 ClockIn timings 1.13.3 DS-Link timings 1.13.4 OS-Link timings 1.14 Pin designations Supplies Clocks Links Control unit JTAG support Miscellaneous 1.15 Package specifications 1.15.1 IMS C100 100 pin cavity-up CQFP package pinout 1.15.2 100 pin CQFP package dimensions 1.15.3 IMS C100 100 pin cavity-up PQFP package pinout 1.15.4 100 pin PQFP package dimensions 2 IMS C104 packet routing switch product preview 2.1 IMS C104 introduction 3 IMS C101 parallel DS-Link adaptor product preview
A IMS T9000 special values A1 IMS T9000 special values B IMS T9000 quick reference guide B1 IMS T9000 quick reference guide B1.1 Electrical specifications B1.1.1 Absolute maximum ratings B1.1.2 Operating conditions B1.1.3 Power rating B1.2 Timing specifications B1.2.1 ClockIn timings B1.2.2 ProcClockOut timings B1.2.3 Programmable memory interface timings Read cycle Write cycle Consecutive cycles Memory wait B1.2.4 Link timings B1.3 Processor speed select B1.4 Link speed select B1.5 Package details B1.5.1 208 pin CLCC package pinout B1.5.2 208 pin CLCC package dimensions B1.5.3 208 pin CLCC package thermal characteristics Index